Big Brother had earlier in the day kicked the #BBNaija housemates out of the House into the garden but he finally let them back in after letting compassion rule.

After the #BBNaija housemates had attempted to convince Big Brother in the Arena as to why he should let them back into the House, they made their way back into the garden and started sorting out their sleeping arrangements resigned to the realisation that they may be spending the night underneath the stars.

The #BBNaija Housemates soon enough laid out their sleeping cots with some of them already tucked underneath their blankets, with sleep being the next thing on their agenda.

As the realisation slowly set in, Big Brother’s ominous voice sounded over the PA system instructing them that the doors to the House were now open to loud shouts of “Thank you Biggie” and “we love you Biggie”.

Bisola and Bally were the first two Housemates to step into the House and what greeted them stopped them in their tracks.

Big Brother had left a note on the stoves as well as the ovens expressly warning the #BBNaija Housemates that they were NOT to touch these appliances until further notice.

The notes further admonished them that if they got hungry at any time, Big Brother expected them to get creative.

It would seem that the #BBNaija Housemates already have preconceived notions of these extreme treatments from Big Brother as all of them had stashed their home cooked meals from the previous night in the fridge.

The remaining six #BBNaija housemates in the House immediately expressed their gratitude at the fact that they still had access to the microwave as they started warming their near frozen dishes retrieved from the fridge.

They all soon settled down around the dining table to eat and talk about the rigors they had had to go through all day long.

Catch Up On All Things #BBNaija 2017

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