The weekly conversational series hosted at The Waterside Ikoyi Lagos ”THE ASKS SERIES” featured Screen Veteran Sadiq Daba. This Wednesday’s edition which was tagged ‘Longevity in Showbiz’ is the 7th in the series. Conversing with a very experienced and knowledgeable media personality, the attendees got in-depth answers to their questions about the movie industry and the broadcast media in Nigeria.

During the very robust conversational session, Screen Veteran Sadiq Daba talked about the good old days of the Nigerian media that produced great content for both television and radio. He also regretted the inability of the media industry to properly archive these works. Speaking about Nollywood, he said ‘Our producers must learn to tell our stories through their movies, we have many great stories that the world is waiting to seeWe have to put it out there! ‘ He added that he is ready to give his life for the progress of the Nigerian movie industry and broadcast media.

The broadcast veteran also frowned at the continuous use of fake foreign accent in by our radio and TV broadcasters. In answering the question about how he is trying to give back to society, he said, “I am working on putting all my experiences in a book and giving it out for free. The Veteran, who has been in Nigeria since June 1968, also mentioned that he is a Nigerian more than anything else, tribe or religion. He added that he believes in Nigeria and that it takes the contribution from us all to make it work. This edition was moderated by Veteran Actor Norbert Young who was also a great inspiration to the attendees from his contributions to the conversation. He emphasised that Nigerians movies must be able to export the Nigerian culture for the growth of the economy.

Attendees also took the time to network and enjoy the wonderful aura of the Waterside Ikoyi with the beautiful scenery of the Lagos Lagoon.


Sadiq Daba


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