There is a high chance that you already know that eating garlic and certain types of foods is the worst thing to do right before a date because it will give you bad breath, but what else can give you a bad case of stank breath?
Aside from the obvious culprits, like smoking, dry mouth, or halitosis, there are actually a few other, less obvious causes for bad breath.
The good news however is that once you can identify the cause, there are a few quick things you can do to get rid of bad breath. The bad news however is that you might have to temporarily change up a few aspects of your lifestyle, such as your diet.
Here are a fee things that can cause your bad breath and how you can freshen up immediately.
Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet has been trendy of late and even though you might be getting your fill of crispy ham and eggs on the keto diet, you may also be getting some nasty breath. When you are on a ketogenic diet, you force their body to create molecules called ketones.
A specific ketone, called acetone, tends to be excreted in the breath and urine. Acetone has a funky smell that some people say is like rotten fruit.
Due to the fact that you are reducing your carbohydrates and increasing fat intake to use ketones, rather than glucose, for energy and fuel, your body needs to get used to the transition. The good thing is that your bad breath is only a temporary side effect. Once your body gets used to this ketogenic state (1-2 weeks), the bad breath should subside.
Paleo Diet
Like the Keto Diet, the Paleo Diet requires you to cut down on carbohydrates. But Paleo focuses on increasing your protein intake, rather than eating more fat. Unfortunately, the potential side effect of Paleo and Keto is the same: bad breath.
Paleo diets are often high in protein and high consumption of protein has been linked to bad breath in some people. Eating lots of protein can cause an increase in ammonia which causes a foul smell in the mouth, which is sometimes described as ‘fishy’ or even smelling like urine.
To get rid of bad breath when you are on the Paleo Diet, you have to replace some of the protein in your diet with other paleo-friendly foods. Excess protein in your diet won’t actually be beneficial and may be straining your digestive organs.
Increase your intake of olive oil, nuts, seeds and coconut oil. You can also eat more unprocessed carbs, such as sweet potatoes and fruits.
You Have Acid Reflux
If you have chest burning, burping, and pain, chances are you have acid reflux. Acid reflux is caused by inflammation of the esophagus and certain lifestyle or dietary habits. It can cause bad breath, because the acid extends up from the stomach and into the mouth.
Acid reflux can contribute to tooth erosion and other dental/gum problems. If someone also has ulcers, kidney failure, diabetes, metabolic dysfunction or liver disease in addition to acid reflux/heartburn, then they are even more likely to deal with bad breath.
If you suspect you might have acid reflux, it is best to see a doctor. You can however reduce the effects by changing your diet. Avoid fried foods, fast food, and too much alcohol and coffee to nip it in the bud and improve your bad breath.
You Eat Little
You already know that cutting your food intake can lead to changes in your mood. Hunger can contribute to bad breath as well. Failing to eat for long periods of time or at a stretch can reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth, which causes dry mouth.
Inside a dry mouth, bacteria that cause unpleasant odours can multiply more easily, since saliva is needed to control them. Being hungry also changes production of bacteria and enzymes in your mouth, which sometimes leads to an usual smell.
To stop this, drink lots of water and have a couple of healthy snacks handy at work or on the move when you can readily get access to real food.
You Have Constant Headaches
If you’re prone to headaches, you may have noticed that you have bad breath too. If you also have a runny nose, increased mucus, shortness of breath, or fever, it’s possible that you have a sinus infection, which could lead to bad breath.
Sinus and respiratory infections can cause bad breath (or even halitosis) due to increased bacteria activity and tissue damage in the respiratory system.
If you however don’t have any other symptoms and your headaches are particularly painful, you may be prone to migraines. Drugs maybe effective but try and track your sleep habits or dietary choices to identify potential triggers.
In all, keep your mouth fresh, for everyone’s sake. In addition to maintaining good dental hygiene, drink lots of water to remove bad breath. You can also try flossing after meals, brushing or scraping your tongue.
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