If you ever wonder why, despite being in love with your partner, your inclination to stray persists, you’re definitely not the only one feeling that way and science seems to think monogamy is nothing but a myth!

According to new research, the fact that you have the tendency to stray is not just because you are a man. As new research emerges, hard and soft sciences alike continue to question the nature and practicality of marriage and monogamy.

Biological hardwiring, shifts in social trends and the progression of gender equality have all made their way into hitherto free bedrooms and they have led to questions about the sanctity of monogamous relationships.

New research is seemingly questioning the societal projection of an ironclad expectation that we are all meant to follow the design of monogamy. Researchers believe that it is actually a biological long shot for all humans to do so.

The Concept Of Nature Against Nurture

A study published in the journal Science examined 2,500 mammalian species in search of the roots of monogamy. The researchers findings confirmed what quite a number of people may have suspected, that monogamy is more of a social construct. “The ancestral condition for all mammalian groups is of solitary individuals and that social monogamy is derived almost exclusively from this social system.”

So what does this research means for us? The traditional ideology of monogamy fails to acknowledge what many anthropologists and evolutionary psychologists believe; that is the overwhelming influence of social factors in the development and practice of monogamy in the real world.

Research psychologist Christopher Ryan and psychiatrist Cacilda Jetha explore the many plot holes in evolutionary psychology’s long-held misconceptions in their landmark book, Sex at Dawn. They argue that economic opportunity and religion have historically played an enormous role in goading humans to the altar, particularly after the Agricultural Revolution.

As people shifted toward permanent land ownership, they needed a means of expanding and keeping their resources, which means one fertile woman is equivalent to capitalistic returns, as the more children she bore you, the better chance you’d have of maintaining your assets.

Next on the line is religion which went on to help humans establish a set of moral and ethical standards to live by, predominately at the expense of women’s sexual freedom and expression.

Fast forward to present day, when marriage is still a billion-dollar industry, much the same as is divorce. According to Jetha, “Marriage in the West isn’t doing very well because it’s in direct confrontation with the evolved reality of our species.”

What was argued in the book is that the best way to increase marital stability, which in the modern world is an important part of social stability, is to develop a more tolerant and realistic understanding of human sexuality and how human sexuality is being distorted by the general modern conception of marriage.

Where next for humans?
Now, before you break up with your partner or use these words as validation for cheating—or even go ahead to beat yourself up for experiencing a case of the wandering eye, you may want to consider the fact that Monogamy is a choice. While it may not be our natural inclination or evolutionary preference, it remains valued and desirable by many.

To choose monogamy is to acknowledge our sexuality holistically and still actively enlist the company and established intimacy of one person over the rest.

In reality, this makes monogamy more meaningful because we are in direct conflict with our biological inclinations, intellectually and emotionally challenging our nature in order to build something special with another person.

So, if you do believe in monogamy, don’t give up on it, if it’s what you want: Just make sure you know what you are getting into…

The post According To Science, Monogamy Is Nothing But A Myth And Cheating Is Biological! appeared first on 360Nobs.com.

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