If you’re like most guys, you might be starting to wonder if attractive women ever respond on Tinder, Bumble and all the other numerous dating sites out there.

You’ve matched with girls you like, but you just can’t seem to get the conversation started, despite your best efforts to kickstart the conversation with poetic lines. Youre left wondering why she was interested enough to swipe right, but not enough to write you back.

You’re not alone. As a matter of fact, there are thousands of guys just like you. One thing that is sure however is that your messages will make or break your results. The specific words you choose can literally make the difference between an initial response rate of five percent and 80 percent on dating sites. It all boils down to one simple question: How does your opening line make her feel?

If you don’t make her feel anything at all, your chance of getting a response plummets, or if you trigger the wrong emotion, you can forget about meeting her in person. Boring messages like, “Hey, how was your weekend” or, “Hi there” just don’t work, because there’s no instant emotional connection.

You haven’t piqued her curiosity, made her laugh or intrigued her in any way. Here are some tried and tested opening lines on dating sites that can help you get the responses and dates you desire.

Win her over with humour

According to research, a whopping 97 percent of single women believe having a good sense of humor is just as attractive as being handsome—so if your icebreaker message puts a smile on her face, the odds are definitely in your favor.

You should however ensure that your line is very funny. That means no cheesy pickup lines and no crass come-ons. Writing funny isn’t easy, but GIFs are an excellent way to grab her attention, by the way.

Make her hungry for more

Alternatively, you can ask her a question that’s pleasurable to think about, and she’ll be eager to keep the conversation going. A good way to do this is to whet her appetite with something related to food.

As a matter of fact, data crunchers at Hinge found that women on their app were 40 percent more likely to respond to messages about food. As such, you may want to think about what types of food women love (chocolate, ice cream, cheesecake, etc.) and tempt her with a mouthwatering question.

Talk about a daydream

Some of the best opening lines are capable of taking her directly to her “happy place.” Most women enjoy travel, or at least thinking about exotic destinations, so opening lines tailored towards that can be helpful.

Make your lines seem personalized

An opening line that sounds like it was written just for her can work very well. Look to create lines around common hobbies and scenarios. As such, once you find a winning line, you can copy and use it to more women.

A unique photo or hobby can help you create a strong connection with her right off on any dating site. Even if she writes something vague like “I’m into sports,” you can send her a message similar to any sports you think of.

Know Your Success Lines
Whenever you come up with a new opening line, keep track of the ongoing response rate it achieves. The Number of Positive Replies / Number of Times Sent = Your Response Rate.

The hardest part is having the discipline to keep track each time you send a message and note when a woman responds to it. If you able to do this consistently and accurately, you will know which opening lines to use more and which to ditch.

Even the most effective openers in the world can be hit or miss depending on what guy is sending them and what girl is on the receiving end. On a lot of dating sites, so many matches fizzle out before they begin, because no one makes the first move. Try not to be that person.

The post How To Get The Opening Lines That Actually Work On Dating Sites appeared first on 360Nobs.com.

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