Big Brother called the #bbnaija Housemates into the lounge and informed them that they have been given an extra hour to finalise their Nokia Duo-Clip Task, and would need to submit the phones back to the Ninja for Biggie to assess.

There was some nervous laughter after Biggie’s announcement, as the concerned #bbnaija Housemates were concerned when Biggie said he gave them, “a simple Task” as though they have possibly gotten the brief wrong.

Not long after this, Nina immediately turned to Miracle about working on their edits as soon as possible so they can get it right, but Miracle said he wants to eat. That however in turn sparked a bit of a brawl when Teddy A made a comment about rations.

It sparked a debate between Nina and Alex around the food usage in the #bbnaija House, and how the Head Of House Nina listens to their suggestions.

The argument escalated and ended up involving Lolu, Rico Swavey (who was more like Alex’s yes-man whenever she commented), and of course Miracle, who was on Nina’s side for moat part of the arguement.

In another part of the #bbnaija House, Anto said to Teddy they have to win this Task. She can’t take losing out on prizes anymore. She was nervous because she feels that people have really brought their creativity out on this Task.

She was impressed by the music that Teddy A put on their own. In the garden, Tobi appreciated Lolu for good work on the Task, and how well they treated their introduction.

Cee-C and Bambam on the other hand, chose to focus their energies on doing their make up and fixing themselves up for that perfect selfie or ‘bothie’! Anto sat with them for a moment, but she decoded to move on and take a look at other clips by the #bbnaija Housemates.

She however made it known to them that she hopes ‘Bam-C’ have their Task ready and sorted, otherwise they may suffer when it comes to the judgment by Big Brother.

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