There are a number of everyday little things that you can do to change your habits, cut down your expenses and save money everyday. The catch with these things is that they are little and simple things that everyone can adopt.

On a daily basis, it may seem like all the hard work that would go into denying yourself an indulgence here or putting some of your money in a piggy bank will never ultimately lead up to much, so why bother?

You really need to bother, because over time, all that little effort to tweak your daily habits can add up and helps you save an awful lot.

Make Your Own Drink
At the risk of alienating and stopping the cash flow to small businesses, the fact is once you begin to make your own drink, be it tea, coffee or beverages at home every morning, it will not only save you money, it will also save you a lot of time.

You will leave home on time and we be able to save about 700 Naira every week. That is one place to take it from.

Use A Brown Bag
Forget about eating at your workplace cafeteria as that is one of your habits that drills a hole in your pocket. When you prepare your own meals from home, you will not only be saving yourself a lot of money but will also be able to guarantee the hygienic properties of the food you are consuming.

Use Your Actual Bank’s ATM
An ATM for your bank of choice isn’t that hard to find. It is best you avoid falling for the prey of convenience of the one for a bank you’ve never even heard of planted firmly in the center of a place you can easily access.

At the least you lose a couple bucks every time you use the bank machine that isn’t your own. Make the effort to use your actual bank ATM and you will be glad you did.

Buy From The Clearance Rack
There is no need to worry that anybody is going to see you picking from the clearance rack. The fact is you’re not that big a deal, and the clearance rack is no joke.

Even at high-end stores, some of the best deals you can get be it your shirts, shorts, pairs of pants can be plucked from said rack. Best time to take a look there is when one season is ending and they’re purging what’s left over from that particular one. You will not only get some of the best things, but you will also save good money from changing this habit.

Reduce Your Phone Bills
You should make good use of instant messaging that a lot of apps provide. They can help you reduce your phone bills significantly since almost all these apps provide functions for data calls.

Resist Impulse Buys
This is perhaps, the toughest of habits to let go off and you might not even realize that you are, in fact, an impulse shopper. An impulse shopper isn’t just someone who grabs the craziest, most outlandish (and unneeded) item at the checkout counter once a week; it can be once a year.

Do your best to resist the temptation of impulse buys, especially since you really don’t need most of those things.

Put Money in Your Piggy Bank
It’s actually a very easy habit to get into. It’s especially easy once you’ve begun making your own cup of coffee, thereby not earmarking money for that local coffee guy.

While it may seem trivial, especially if you think it can’t add up to much, you will find out that 100 Naira every day can amount to over 300,000 Naira at the end of the year.

This is one of the habits you need to adopt since we are sure you know you eat out way more than you need to. It’s laziness. If you’re stopping by a local canteen, grabbing a shawarma the other, eating pizza on the weekends and so on, you really would be shocked to sit down and look back at what you’re spending a week just to stuff your face. Which you can do at home, in an inevitably healthier—and often more enjoyable—manner.

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